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Essentials for Inquiry

Getting started with student-led inquiry.

Join Susan Powers as she shares her tried and true student-led inquiry, instructional strategies with teachers, through an online digital platform.

Teachers will learn the exact strategies Susan has incorporated in her own classroom with this in-depth, self-paced, online professional development workshop.

With over 23 years IN inquiry-based education, 15 of which has been with the IB PYP, Susan will coach you through these classroom tested best practices within this online workshop. The workshop features over 12 hours of video based training in developing conceptual, inquiry-based learning that includes real class examples and a TON of practical resources and strategies to take back to the classroom immediately! 

Teachers will have the ability to easily plan and implement the framework in their own classrooms, using the step-by-step guide and ready-made templates.

So if you’re ready to finally embrace that inquiry mindset, gain more confidence with concept-based teaching and learning and plan a powerful, student-led inquiry without feeling lost, confused or overwhelmed...

Here's how we'll help you get here:

Essentials for Inquiry is the ONLY programme of its kind that…

1.Coaches you, step-by-step, through the ENTIRE inquiry process with video based tutorials

2.Provides you with practical, classroom ready resources

3.Gives an easy 10 Step Process to Planning the Inquiry

4.Eliminates the overwhelm for you

So if you’re ready to finally feel confident with student-led inquiry and to excite, engage and empower your kids, while avoiding the confusion and overwhelm with a new teaching practice...

Here's how we'll help you get here:

Module 1

What is Inquiry? Gain a solid understanding of the foundations of an inquiry-based classroom; connecting conceptual understanding with learning & familiarising yourself with the inquiry process. 

Module 1 will walk you through the key steps to transitioning into an inquiry-based classroom, as you learn how the inquiry process unfolds and evolves, how to develop an inquiry-mindset within your students, promoting student agency, and shifting your role from traditional classroom to that of teacher-facilitator. Your knowledge gained from this module will lead into planning a powerful inquiry in module 2. 

Module Highlights:


  • Establish purpose behind inquiry-based learning
  • Clearly understand concept-based teaching & learning with practical lessons & student activities
  • Explore the evolution of the inquiry process through best practices
Module 2

Authentic Learning: Planning and Provoking Inquiry. Through authentic learning experiences, we learn how to drive the inquiry by provoking the children's curiosity. 

Module 2 is all about planning the inquiry based unit of learning, using the inquiry cycle as your central structure.  Plan and implement an amazing provocation, and get ready to excite, engage and empower your learners.
  • Learn The Art of the Provocation
  • Develop AGENCY with student-led inquiries
  • 10 Steps to Planning An Inquiry
  • Differentiate the Inquiry to reach EVERY learner


Module 3

Reflection & Assessment: Turning Students' Experience Into Insight. Empower the kids and give them their voice with their own assessment prac

Module 3 brings a solid understanding of the reflection cycle and shows easy, practical examples of how to make it student-centred.

Module Highlights:

  • Discover effective strategies for inclusive assessment
  • Empower the kids through  agency
  • Develop on-going reflection practices

The Clarity & Confidence Guarantee! 

Let me say this upfront...

Essentials for Inquiry is the most comprehensive, step-by-step professional development  for teachers who are excited and COMMITTED about getting started with the inquiry process. 
Our community is extremely passionate about inquiry-based teaching and filled with helpful, motivated and super-supportive members who are developing an inquiry mindset both within themselves and their young learners. When you join, you will be part of this special group.

Now here's the kicker..

By the end of these 10 days, you'll have had FULL access to ALL of the training videos, workbooks and classroom learning resources. And, you will have been walked through the planning AND implementation stages of your inquiry. Meaning, you will be READY to take it all into your classroom full of young inquirers and rock and roll! 

If you don't feel more clarity and confidence with inquiry-based teaching by the end of these 10 days, ( and your ability to excite, engage and empower your young learners like a pro) simply reach out to me at [email protected] , show me you've put in the work and I'll send back your investment.

Here’s what you’re getting when you enrol today:


£297 Value

  • Bonus *THE ART OF THE PROVOCATION  £20 Value
  • Bonus* A COMPLETE INQUIRY KIT- £40 Value

When you add it all up, that’s a real-world value of £357

But when you enrol today, you’ll get full, lifetime access

to everything for just:

Pay Monthly

3 Monthly Payments of




Pay Once

1 Payment of


limited time only
Price will increase soon to £225

You might be thinking....

Yes! If you order within 24 hours of the LIVE webinar, you will receive the FAST START bonus PLUS the complete inquiry bulletin board kit AND the Art of the Provocation guide .But don't wait if you want the fast start bonus - and being in our PRIVATE Focus Group. I only have 30 spaces available for that group. So, don't miss out!  

 Yes! As soon as you have enrolled, you will receive your unique log in details for your digital training course, giving you full access to all of the raining videos, workbooks, teaching and planning resources.

Of course you can. The internet is choc-full of fabulous information for teachers if you don't mind putting in the hours to search for it, read it all, decide if it is up to date, pertinent, useful and in the order that you will need it. I have taken the guess work out of this search for you and brought you a tried and true, step-by-step guide. Plus a whole bunch of kid-tested resources to get you off to an AMAZINGLY  fast start. 


You will absolutely have it! If you enrol within 24 hours of the live webinar, you'll gain access to our fast start bonus, number 3, with a place in our 4 week PRIVATE focus group, with a weekly live intimate chat as we focus on your development. Everyone else will have access to our Facebook group community of support and live weekly Q and A and all round cheering you on!

Yes! Today you will receive your log in details and instant access to the entire course, training videos, workbooks and all classroom resources. You will gain a place in our private focus group for 4 weeks, where we will meet live each week for an intimate group coaching chat . AND, on top of all of that, you get bonus 1 and bonus 2 as well - The Art of the Provocation guide and the complete inquiry board bulletin kit. 


Let me say this upfront...

Essentials for Inquiry is the most comprehensive, step-by-step professional development  for teachers who are excited and COMMITTED about getting started with the inquiry process. 
Our community is extremely passionate about inquiry-based teaching and filled with helpful, motivated and super-supportive members who are developing an inquiry mindset both within themselves and their young learners. When you join, you will be part of this special group.

Now here's the kicker..

By the end of these 10 days, you'll have had FULL access to ALL of the training videos, workbooks and classroom learning resources. And, you will have been walked through the planning AND implementation stages of your inquiry. Meaning, you will be READY to take it all into your classroom full of young inquirers and rock and roll! 

If you don't feel more clarity and confidence with inquiry-based teaching by the end of these 10 days, ( and your ability to excite, engage and empower your young learners like a pro) simply reach out to me at [email protected] , show me you've put in the work and I'll send back your investment.

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Here’s what you’re getting when you enrol TODAY


  • Bonus 1 - The Art of the Provocation £20 Value
  • Bonus 2 - A Complete Inquiry Board Kit  £40 Value

Total Value:£357

But when you enrol today, you’ll get FULL, LIFETIME access to everything for just:

Pay Monthly

3  Monthly Payments of




Pay Upfront

1 Payment of


limited time only

Price will increase soon

 to £225



  1. You're just getting started and want to make sure you absolutely do it right!

    2. You're newish to inquiry and already overwhelmed or confused and want a clear path to understanding it all once and for all

    3. You LOVE to know you've got that support system there to walk you through the learning curve 

    4. You truly care about bringing this form of learning to your kids that you're already investing hours actively looking for more ways to excite, engage and empower.

    5. You are SO excited to bring this form of teaching & learning to your students, even if you've dabbled with it before, you are READY to get this thing down!

    6. You're ready to take action! You have an inquiry to plan soon and need a road map FAST! 

    7. You're new to the IB PYP and would love someone to help you put all the pieces together AND guide you through the planning, implementation and overall transition.

If you said “yes” to at least 6 of the above, I can’t wait to meet you inside

Essentials for Inquiry

Here’s what you’re getting when you enroll today:

Essentials for Inquiry - £199 Value

  • Bonus 1 -The Art of the Provocation £20 Value
  • Bonus 2 - A Complete Inquiry Board Bulletin Kit £40 Value

Total Value: £260

But when you enrol today, you’ll get FULL, LIFETIME access to everything for just:

Payment Monthly

3 Monthly Payments of




Payment Upfront

1 Payment of



Price will increase soon to



50% Complete

Two Step

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.